community uses
Gathering Spaces
11,000 square feet of Menno Hall is dedicated to art, music, learning, theatre, and expressions of faith. Programs and events such as concerts, lectures, and courses will be open for public attendance and the facility will be available for rent.
The Welcome Plaza will also support and provide space where tents and tables could be set up for social events such as craft markets or pop-up produce stands.

Centre for Peace
The intent of the Centre for Peace is to create space within the Menno Hall campus that is purely dedicated to the pursuit of academic and intellectual thought leadership on the issues of conflict resolution and peace studies.
The Centre for Peace will house a lecture theatre for on-site courses, conferences, and public events, offices for a small staff, and common areas for people to gather together and engage in discussion. This Centre will not only present students with the unique opportunity to explore global conflict resolution and restorative processes, but also foster the making of collaborative partnerships with faith-based organizations who are advancing peace and development around the world.
A working group has been established with MCC, PCDA and others to further the development of the Centre for Peace.