Our Proposal
Project Overview
Menno Hall, a 4-6 storey, 11,000 square metre development situated as a prominent gateway between the University Endowment Lands (UEL) and UBC, is the newest and most dynamic collaboration of Pacific Centre for Discipleship Association (PCDA) and Hyland.
Menno Hall will be an innovative and sustainably built development consisting of 86 rental housing residences for the missing middle, 101 student housing units, institutional and academic space, common areas, a large multi-functional meeting facility, a dedicated concert and meeting hall, a chapel, and stunning outdoor courtyards.
The core planning principles underpinning the Area D Plan (local area policy for the neighbourhood) have been foundational in the development of Menno Hall and the design responds directly to the UEL Area D Plan in its massing, development density, and intended land use.
Menno Hall will be comprised of:
- Academic + program offices and break-out / meeting rooms
- Adaptable service / gathering space for lectures (approx. 120 people for a variety of uses)
- Student housing, owned and operated by PCDA
- Rental housing for the missing middle, owned and operated by Hyland
- Public courtyard + pathways that are accessible to the broader community
- Bicycle and parking facilities for residents and visitors

This project aspires to be a legacy building of architectural significance designed to foster intentional community living in an academic setting. Applying a unique combination of housing, intellectual exploration, community, and faith, the Menno Hall will be a strategically integrated facility that brings vibrancy and innovation to the neighbourhood.
Primary Project Goals:
Rental Housing for the Missing Middle
With the continuous rise in Vancouver rents and historic low vacancy rates over the last three years, Vancouver is in the midst of a housing crisis that directly affects the individuals studying, working, and living in the UBC/UEL area. In response to the lack of affordable housing in this area, Hyland, with financing from BC HousingHub, will create 86 market rental housing residences for the “missing middle” families and individuals. This will provide individuals such as mature students, faculty members, and people that live and work in the area accessible housing which will additionally lend to the lowering of emissions and traffic in the surrounding neighbourhood.
The proposal is comprised of 86 secured rental homes, including 30% family-oriented options, that will be made available at affordable rates. The affordable housing component is made possible through a partnership with BC HousingHub.
rental housing for the missing middle will be comprised of:
- 32 - Studio Apartment
- 28 - 1BR Apartments
- 19 - 2BR Apartments
- 7 - 3BR Apartments
student Housing
The Pacific Centre for Discipleship Association (PCDA) has been operating a student residence and creating an intentional community at the Menno Simons Centre for over 30 years. The redevelopment of Menno Hall will enable the PCDA to relocate from its former location, expand its student residences and offer more housing choices for students with 101 new purpose-built student residences.
Student Housing Layout

Academic & Institutional | The Centre For Peace
Alongside residential and student housing will be academic space focused on the advancement of peace studies and international aid and development. Based on one of the central tenets of Anabaptist faith, the Centre for Peace is the collective vision of both MCC and PCDA. The intention is to create an area within the Menno Hall campus wholly dedicated to the pursuit of academic and intellectual thought leadership around the current issues of conflict resolution and peace studies.
The Centre for Peace will house a lecture theatre for on-site courses, conferences, and public events, offices for a small staff, and common areas for people to gather together and engage in discussion. This space will also be available for rent for public events and functions.
This Centre will not only present students with the unique opportunity to explore global conflict resolution and restorative processes, but also foster the making of collaborative partnerships with faith-based organizations who are advancing peace and development around the world.

Site Context
Menno Hall is located at University Blvd and Wesbrook Mall in the Area A neighbourhood of the UEL. The combined sites cover 41,965 square feet and have been used for institutional use for over 40 years.
The site is positioned in the middle of three major zones at the intersection of University Boulevard and Wesbrook Mall: (1) Area D, (2) Area A, and (3) UBC – Point Grey Campus. By nature of the site, the project will serve as a sensitive transition between the UEL and UBC.
The site is also located across from the future University Gateway Building.

neighbourhood Sensitivity & Integration
As long-term stewards of Menno Hall, being good and responsible neighbours is one of the primary goals for both PCDA and H. Building on the consultation work for the Area D Plan, our goal has been to produce a response that reflects neighbourhood priorities and brings benefit to the wider community by providing a special place that elevates the neighbourhood.
For a detailed overview of how Menno Hall will integrate with the surrounding neighbourhood, please follow the link below.